Afghanistan Trade

Modern Shipping Agencies Private Limited can offer a hassle-free one window-operation for your goods under transit to Afghanistan via Pakistan. We have regular service from Karachi to Afghanistan for various cities by trucks i.e. Kabul, Kandahar, Herat, Jalalabad, Mazar-e-Sharif etc. Pakistan has the most advantageous position in Afghan Transit Trade (ATT), where Karachi Port or Port Qasim plays a major role as hinterland port and “GATEWAY” to Afghanistan. There is no rail network in Afghanistan and major trade is conducted by land route from Pakistan Cargo for Afghanistan in Transit via Karachi Port or Port Qasim is exempted from Custom Duty and taxes in Pakistan. However, a special Custom Cell processes and examines the cargo at Karachi Port or Port Qasim.
All cargoes i.e., containerized or break-bulk is forwarded by Road from Karachi to the Custom Posts at following location. Peshawar / Torkham for Cargo destined for Jalalabad / Kabul / Bagram. etc. Quetta / Chaman for Cargo destined for Kandahar / Herat Lashkargah. etc. Required documentation is carried out at Custom Posts, after which the cargo / container crosses the border over to Afghan Custom House at Torkham, Jalalabad, Kabul or Kandahar as the case may be. Macter Shipping and Logistics Pakistan offers delivery to your door step in Afghanistan and offers full custom clearance support & unloading arrangements at Jobsite / destination anywhere in Afghanistan
Afghanistan (via Pakistan)
After 11th Sept 2001 when USA and NATO forces arrived in Afghanistan the cargo is categorized in to three parts such as,
A Commercial Cargo
B. Non-Commercial for ISAF, GoIRA, and NGOs
C. US Military & NATO Cargo

A. Commercial Cargo
All type of commercial import is allowed for Afghanistan through Pakistan except certain product that changes time to time. Transportation of the commercial cargo is only allowed by Pakistan Railway or though NLC (National Logistic Cell, a transportation company, owned by Government of Pakistan) up to Torkham or Chaman, the borders cities of Pakistan. The consignments are unloaded at Karachi Port or Bin Qasim Port, Pakistan Customs formalities completed before loading into Railway wagons or truck for transit goods in Afghanistan.
B. Non-Commercial Cargo
Noncommercial cargo could be dispatched to final destination by NLC or bonded trucks.
C. US Military and NATO Cargo
U.S. Army cargo could be moved by NLC or bonded trucks.